Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Slow posting and the future.

 Well,  I haven't posted since May, I thought I would put something up so that no one think that I just disappeared. I haven't.
 The past 2 years have been trying to say the least. My personal life was turned around in a drastic way and I've been working through it all to come out the other side. I'm now settled and back at the art table with a fire like no other.
 With that comes the question of using this blog as a format to get my art across. I have all of the necessary avenues to get my art out digitally (Tumblr, Blogspot, Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc) and have been slimming my efforts down to posting on IG, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook only. I'm sure that I'll be back here to post up explanations of designs and such, but for the most part, these posts were taking up so much of my time to write that I've been enjoying the quick posts of late.
 So if you would like to keep up with me and my art, follow me on Instagram under "Santosian" of Facebook under Santos Illustration.
Until the next cover that needs it's story told, Cheers! I'm heading into the art room.

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