I've been working on a shirt design for Kylesa's European tour, for days now. I'm really happy that I was able to get the design finished in time and that I was actually awake and functioning, by the end. The design is called "The Only One" and it's based off of the lyrics to the my favorite song off of Static Tensions, called "Only One". It helps that their lyrics always seem to provide me with inspiration and that they are really great people. I'm amped that they'll be taking this design with them To Europe, too. While they're there, they will be supporting Torche for the first 17 dates, headlining for 13 dates, and playing a slew of festivals with the likes of Mastodon, Wolves In The Throne Room, Voivod, Coalesce, Taint, and Slipknot. Now, I can sleep. Maybe.